Pastoral Team
The pastoral team is made up of a plurality of elders (presbuteros) who are entrusted with pastoring (poimen) and overseeing (episkopos) the church (Acts 20:28). We view these three words (elder/pastor/bishop) found throughout the New Testament to describe one office and its various functions. At FBC, our elders are responsible for the spiritual wellbeing and overall direction of the church through the ministry of the Word and prayer.
Ministry Staff & Deacons
The staff at FBC Monroe work alongside the elders to support the church's mission and ministries. While distinct from the office of elder, they play a crucial role in managing the daily functions of the church.
The deacon ministry at FBC Monroe focuses on serving the congregation through acts of care, support, and practical ministry. Deacons assist the pastors by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the church, ensuring that members are cared for and that the church functions smoothly. Rooted in Scripture, this role is one of servant leadership, reflecting Christ’s love through humble service to the body of believers.
Deacon of visitationand Chairman of Deacons
Deacon of building and grounds
Deacon of widows/shut-ins